All-New Mathematics of Game Shows (NCTM 2016)

Thanks to those who attended my talk at NCTM 2016 at 8am Saturday! Yow, that’s early. At the same time as many other great talks, it was an honor to have a good audience.

Here are the slides from my presentation. Hopefully they make sense to those who weren’t there, but if you have any questions, please let me know.

Slides from NCTM 2016 (PDF)

About Bowen Kerins
Bowen is a mathematics curriculum writer. He is a lead author of CME Project, a high school curriculum focused on mathematical habits of mind, and part of the author team of the Illustrative Mathematics curriculum series. Bowen leads professional development nationally, primarily on how math content can be taught with a focus on higher-level goals. Bowen is also a champion pinball player and once won $1,000 for knowing the number of degrees in a right angle.

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